Felt pretty good and ventured out of the house without the gauze moustache. It had to put it back on once I got to the salon though as it was still leaking mucus and I wouldn't have a spare hand to wipe it! People stared a lot but I don't really care about stuff like that and I am happy to explain to anybody that asks that I've had a nose job. I try not to do things in my life that I'm ashamed off and consequently I am a pretty transparent person.
In preparation for my return to work on Sunday I also booked in to have my eyelash extensions topped up tomorrow (I managed to keep these on for the surgery.... The individual lashes that are glued to my own.... And they didn't cause me any issues but I think some anaesthetists/surgeons would be against this) and also booked in to the hair salon to have my hair washed. Going to blow dry it myself but I don't trust myself, or my husband, not to get the cast wet if I wash it at home.
The bruising is still yellow and I resemble a chubby-faced pikachu..... But still have 3 whole days before I need to go back to work so I'm hoping it will reduce by then. The swelling seems to be mainly between my eyes so I think the bridge is going to be really swollen when the cast comes off. This is to be expected though as I did have a lot of work done to it. Reading through other posts it's becoming clear that I really have had a lot done, the bump removed from the top of the bridge, bridge refined at the sides, tip lifted, shortened and refined, nostrils reduced and also the turbinates done to help with snoring..... A complete overhaul!
I took a before/after pic of the profile and tried to match up the size of the photos as I think that you can tell how much shorter it is, even with the cast on:
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