Tuesday, 20 May 2014

The big reveal!

I haven't written for a few days as I have been super busy but I'll update you with what has occurred so far.

On day 6 I went to a friend's baby shower, still with the cast on and as a lot of my work colleagues were there I tried to cover up the yellow bruising a little. Most people said I looked better than they were expecting but I could tell the cast was unnerving them a bit.

I only stayed for a couple of hours as I was really tired and my cast was SO itchy! I started peeling away the bits of tape that were poking out from underneath as they were getting sticky and itchy and the cast feels loose like I could just take it off myself.... I didn't!

That night I didn't sleep much as I had nightmares about the cast coming off and it looking hideous! 

Luckily my appointment for the cast removal was the next morning so I didn't have to wait too long, I took some painkillers as I heard it was painful and off we went to meet my new nose!

My surgeon is a visiting surgeon to the region so wasn't there (I see him next in a month) but the nurses seemed to know what they are doing. I was told to lay down on the bed and the nurse started prising my cast off. It didn't hurt at all, just a bit of pressure when she had to peel it off the bridge at the top but actually it was fine. 

Then I saw it....my new nose and I LOVE it! It looked so straight and the tip is quite swollen but it's so much shorter!

The nurse then took the stitches out, most just slid out, a few needed gently tugging but the pain was like pulling out a hair, not bad at all. I got one last look at the nose before she put some tape on that she said I would need to keep doing for 5 days. 

As soon as I stepped outside in the heat the glue on the tape went sticky and itchy so I took it off and it's not going back on! It may help with the swelling but it doesn't hold up well in 37 degree heat!

We then went to do a bit of shopping and whilst we were in the mall I started to feel ill.... A bladder infection :( 

I'm actually prone to bladder infections and I am a kidney stone former so I'm quite used to this, I have also had to have my urethra dilated twice so I think that the infection could be due to the catheter and also my bladder going to sleep during the surgery. Got some antibiotics and started to feel better but I was annoyed that it took the attention away from my new nose.

In the evening we went out for a couple of beers and I put some makeup on for the first time, hard work when you have flaky, dry skin all over your nose and under your eyes. Still, I did my best and every night since I have been slathering my face with Elizabeth Arden 8 hour cream and rubbing bio oil into my scars. It has improved a lot but the skin is still dry and I think I'm vhoing to just have to wait for it to shed and renew itself.

Any way, here are the pics.......

What a difference! Back to work the nect day so I was glad the bruising had gone down a lot and I don't look too much of a mess.

The tip is still really swollen, and the bridge so I pectins them to be much thinner than on these pics. I'll post some update pics when the swelling has gone down a bit. 

Overall though I am really really pleased with it and I'm so glad I had it done.

Wednesday, 14 May 2014

Day 4.... Out and about

Today I felt a bit more with it and booked myself a mani/pedi and massage. I had my gel nails removed before the op so I need them redoing before I start biting my nails (lifelong habit).

Felt pretty good and ventured out of the house without the gauze moustache. It had to put it back on once I got to the salon though as it was still leaking mucus and I wouldn't have a spare hand to wipe it! People stared a lot but I don't really care about stuff like that and I am happy to explain to anybody that asks that I've had a nose job. I try not to do things in my life that I'm ashamed off and consequently I am a pretty transparent person. 

In preparation for my return to work on Sunday I also booked in to have my eyelash extensions topped up tomorrow (I managed to keep these on for the surgery.... The individual lashes that are glued to my own.... And they didn't cause me any issues but I think some anaesthetists/surgeons would be against this) and also booked in to the hair salon to have my hair washed. Going to blow dry it myself but I don't trust myself, or my husband, not to get the cast wet if I wash it at home. 

The bruising is still yellow and I resemble a chubby-faced pikachu..... But still have 3 whole days before I need to go back to work so I'm hoping it will reduce by then. The swelling seems to be mainly between my eyes so I think the bridge is going to be really swollen when the cast comes off. This is to be expected though as I did have a lot of work done to it. Reading through other posts it's becoming clear that I really have had a lot done, the bump removed from the top of the bridge, bridge refined at the sides, tip lifted, shortened and refined, nostrils reduced and also the turbinates done to help with snoring..... A complete overhaul! 

I took a before/after pic of the profile and tried to match up the size of the photos as I think that you can tell how much shorter it is, even with the cast on:

Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Day 3.... Pack removal

WHAT A RELIEF!!!!!! I cannot begin to tell you how much better I feel now the nose tampons have been removed!!!

I woke up this morning feeling quite sick and fed up and the car journey to the hospital was a bit vomit-inducing. The taxi driver was a bit shocked at my bruised face and drove really carefully to the hospital, bless him.

Having the packs removed took a few minutes, 2 nurses just popped me up on the bed and pulled the looooooooong packing out with tweezers, it was pretty uncomfortable and a little painful but instantly felt better. I could breathe through my nose and swallow without causing an uncomfortable vacuum in my sinuses. 

Went straight back home afterwards and had a little lie down then cleaned my nose with the sprays they gave me. I'm still having to tape the gauze under my nose as I have a lot of stringy clear snot coming out, with blood intermingled. Hoping this will dry up over the next few days.

The bruising is still colorful and my face is super swollen but it's getting better by the hour.

I've been completely honest with my friends, colleagues and family and had a lot of interest in my Facebook posts, including some of my sicker friends wanting to see pics of the jar with the excess bone and cartilage that my surgeon gave me! No negativity so far.... I'm sure there are people who think I'm daft but I didn't think it was worth trying to hide it :) 

I think I can manage leaving the house to get my nails done tomorrow and still really excited to get this cast off and see my new nose.

Monday, 12 May 2014

Days 1 and 2

So the last couple of days have been pretty tough, my face is quite swollen and it's been really hard having my nose completely blocked. I have the packing removed from my nostrils tomorrow and I cannot wait.

I've not been in any pain really, just really struggled breathing through my mouth and with my ears popping and creating a sort of vacuum in my head! Have been sleeping propped up on loads of pillows and waking up with a very dry mouth, also I think I've been swallowing a lot of air and that has been making me feel a bit sick....this is relieved by some very loud belching 😳

I've been trying to eat frequently to keep my strength up, soft foods like mashed potato with sweet corn, oatmeal and fruit. It doesn't hurt to eat, again it's just hard eating and breathing at the same time!

I'm only taking paracetamol as pain relief and taking arnica still. Seriously hoping I feel better after the packing is removed and that the swelling comes down before I have to go back to work.  

Here are some rather attractive pics of my puffy face:

I had quite a lot of work done to the bridge and also had my turbinates worked on so I think that is why it is so swollen between my eyes. I can feel it pushing against the cast which is a bit uncomfortable too. 

Will update once the packing is out tomorrow :)

Saturday, 10 May 2014

The big day!

So the morning of the op I got up at 5 a.m as I just couldn't sleep and I showered, pottered round and got all my stuff together, the time really dragged and I couldn't wait to leave the house so I got to the hospital 20 minutes early. When I got there the receptionist was lovely, she wished me luck and put me at ease. I settled the final bill and went over to the inpatients ward. I had my obs taken straight away, BP was fine, heart rate a little low as usual but that's because I exercise a fair bit.

I got taken to a bed on the ward pretty quickly and given my gown and paper knickers to change into.

Pretty soon after the surgeon came to see me and we went over what I wanted doing, I had asked his secretary twice to tell him I now wanted open rhinoplasty instead of closed but he hadn't been told. He seemed pleased that I had changed my mind though. He really didn't spend that much time with me but I still felt confident he would do a good job.

I then got given something they called happy pills.... Which actually just made me fall asleep! I woke up an hour or so later and it was time to go to theatre. I wasn't worried about this part as I've had operations before and know what to expect. The anaesthetist told me to try to remember to breathe through my mouth when I woke up and to try not to panic as my nose would be packed with gauze. Before I knew it I was falling under......

"LOUISE, WAKE UP!" (Why do they always feel the need to yell at you when you are coming round") ... pain, blocked nose, slight panic, ears popping, coughing up blood, breathe through mouth.... And relax. I think they gave me some pain relief then and I fell asleep. When I woke up I really wanted water but they would only let me have a sip to freshen my mouth up. My mouth was so dry and my throat was really painful and sore from where I was intubated.

For the next few hours I drifted in and out of sleep. I was given some apple juice and told I could go home when I had drank it. I also got given some biscuits but my mouth and throat were too dry to eat it.

Before I went I was shown how to change the gauze under my nose and given a prescription for 3 types of nasal spray that I will start using when the packs come out in a few days... And paracetamol.... Is that it? I'm sure I will need something stronger than that! Oh and I also got a little jar with all the bits of bone they removed.... Gross! There are a few big chunks there, but I did have lots of nose to remove!

Anyway I was wheeled out and was soon home to my own bed. Still not in a lot of pain, just finding swallowing really uncomfortable as it creates a sort of vacuum in my head that makes my nose bubble and my ears pop! 

Face timed my mum and husband and they were a bit shocked by my black eyes but pleased I'm feeling generally ok. 

I took some pics when I was cleaning my gauze. You can't see the shape of my nose but you can tell already it's much shorter and higher.

I had a bit of ice cream for my dinner and it felt great on my throat, then I got into bed, iced my face with a surgical glove full of ice and put on an audio book. I've been told to expect the swelling and pain to be worse tomorrow.... Not looking forward to that! I have myself propped up on loads of cushions so I am not sure how well I will sleep.

Will update tomorrow x

Friday, 9 May 2014

The day before

Well I have been trying to keep myself busy all day today as the excitement is making me feel physically sick! 

I've been to have my gel nail polish removed and to buy food that I think I will be able to eat after the op, mainly soft stuff :) 

I've also done more research on what to expect, changed the bed sheets, done all my washing, put comfortable clothes out to wear, packed a bag with toiletries and essentials in case I do need to stay over, written lists of what to take..... Anything really to pass the time.

I've been taking arnica supplements in the hope it will reduce the swelling and have ice and frozen peas and a freezable eye mask all ready for when I get back home. I'm also trying to drink plenty of water so I'm fairly well hydrated when I get there. The last couple of general anaesthetics I've had my blood pressure dropped very low afterwards so I have been advised to drink plenty of water the day before the op.

I'm not really feeling scared, just massively excited. Oh my god I cannot wait!

I have to be at the hospital at 8 a.m so I'm glad I don't have to wait all day for the surgery. Off to wash my hair and get an early night as I suspect I will be too excited to sleep.......

Monday, 5 May 2014

Getting prepared

4 days to go now and I'm still really excited. I decided to tell everybody at work as I don't think there is any point in trying to hide it. I only have one week off work so I will still be pretty bruised and swollen by the time I go back, so it would be silly if I tried to say that nothing had happened. Plus, I hope, I will look very different.....

To get myself prepared for recovery I have bought some arnica, which I will start taking today. There s no hard evidence that this actually helps reduce bruising but I'm willing to give it a shot! It can't be detrimental so I have everything to gain. I also bought a freezable eye mask from The Body Shop and some heavy camouflage makeup from Boots in case I need to cover any bruises when I go back to work.

I'm working out a lot this week as I know I won't be able to exercise for a few weeks after the op, so I'm trying to do as much as I can beforehand. I have also booked in to have my gel nail polish removed, waxing done and a relaxing massage the day before the op. 

I'm feeling well prepared and eager for Saturday to arrive :)

Saturday, 3 May 2014

1 week to go.... Blood tests and consultation with anaestheologist

With one week to go I needed to go back to the clinic, sign my life away with the consent forms and have my "before" pictures taken. No surgeon at this visit, just very friendly staff who let me know that they would call me two days before surgery to confirm a time and gave me basic instructions on what to do before I come in. I paid a dost (about 1/5 of the total cost) so no turning back now!!!

They then took me over to the main hospital, where I will be having my surgery, for blood tests and to meet the anaestheologist. I've had 6 surgeries in the last 5 years for various ailments (no, not more plastic surgery) so we had a lot to talk about. She took a brief medical history, checked my vitals (low heart rate as per usual) and that was pretty much it!

I was told that I would be contacted 2 days prior to surgery to set a specific time and assured that I'd have a chance to talk to my surgeon to discuss in detail what I want doing. 

I keep getting little moments where I think maybe I should just learn to live with my nose and that it's not that bad really, but a quick glance back at some of my photos where I'm awkwardly smiling, knowing that I'm thinking "this is getting deleted if my nose looks big", reassures me that I've made the right decision. 

I want to make sure that the surgeon knows what kind of nose I'm aiming for and got some pictures of the web to show him. I know I can't just order a nose and that I'm not going to look like a celebrity when I wake up.... But I would just feel better if I gave him something to aim for to aim for.... So here are my favourite noses:

I will show these to the surgeon on the day and then I guess I just have to leave the fate of my face in his capable hands 😁😐

Friday, 2 May 2014

My consultation

After trawling the web for literally hours I found a local surgeon who seemed to have good reviews and who specialised in rhinoplasty. He had some great before and after pics, but more importantly he is a specialist. I don't want a breast surgeon having a crack at my nose, I want a nose surgeon to do what he is good at.

So I booked a consultation and asked the husband to come with me. He's a surgeon so I trust his opinion and also, he isn't entirely happy about me cutting up my nose so I thought it might put his mind at ease. I know he wouldn't let me go ahead with the surgery if he wasn't confident for my choice in surgeon so I was perfectly prepared for him to veto it. 

I had to pay a fee up-front for the consultation and wait for a couple of weeks until the surgeon was next in the country and in that two weeks I became a little obsessed with researching rhinoplasty on the internet! 

On the day we turned up and I was a little worried that all the other patients in the waiting room looked scarily similar to each other. My husband assured me that this was just typical of the region ( we live in the UAE) and that those women had asked to look like that so I shouldn't worry that he was just churning out clones! 

I had a load of questions in my head to ask and particularly wanted to know if he could also help with my irritating snoring habit!

The consultation itself was about 30 minutes, the surgeon asked me why I wanted the surgery and what I disliked about my nose. I then stood in front of a mirror and he pointed out what was technically wrong with the profile of my nose... And it was exactly what I thought so I was relieved that we were on the same page. He told me about the options for open and closed rhinoplasty and I was dead set on closed but he explained that he couldn't close up my "nose cleavage" with closed so I could think about it and change my mind later if I needed to, but he was confident he could get a good result from closed rhinoplasty if that is what I preferred.

When I asked about my snoring he popped my up on the bed and stuck some metal instructs up my nose to check out what was going on inside. He confirmed that I had large turbinates. These fill up with blood when I lay my head back which obstructs my airways and cause me to snore. He also said he could easily reduce these and help my snoring issue. Woo hoo!

My husband didn't say much and he didn't let on that he was a surgeon too, but after the consultation he said he was happy for me to go ahead as the guy knew what he was talking about. Phew! My husband can be a bit pig-headed at times and I was worried bed use the opportunity to stop me having it done altogether.

So that was it, mind made up, I just needed to book the time off work and mentally prepare myself.....

A couple of weeks later I confirmed my holiday with work and booked the surgery..... Cue more furious research! 

Having thought hard about my "nose cleavage" and the look that I want for my new nose I have decided to go for open rhinoplasty. I think it will give a better result and I'd hate to regret not having the cartilage gap closed and possibly have to have another op at a later date.

So I'm signed up, ready to go and 4 weeks to wait. Eeeeeeek! So excited 😁😝😀

My big nose!

So I am having a nose job. Finally, at the age of 32 I am finally getting rhinoplasty surgery and saying goodbye to the nose that I have hated since I was a teenager. I hate looking at photos of myself, all I can see when I look at them is my large, wonky nose taking over my face.

Self obsessed? No, nose-obsessed! Which is why I want it fixed so I can just stop thinking about it... The more cynical of you may think that I may just then fixate on another body part or that I may still hate my face after it's done or that I should appreciate that beauty comes from within etc etc...... And yes, you may be right. I may also love it, it may make me confident to smile, to be in pictures, to laugh without worrying about how my nose looks and may actually make me rather happy. It's a chance that I am willing to take.

So here it is.... My tormentor, my nose!

As you can see, from the front on the tip is wide and wonky and I have a flat bump on the bridge, from the side it's just too big and my nostrils are very large, underneath I have "nose cleavage" where the two "wings" of cartilage are separated - this also contributes to the wide tip. 

I have thought long and hard about the operation and I have waited until my 30's in the hope that some worldly experience would give me the confidence to, well, not give a shit about my nose. But it didn't happen. So I'm doing it and I'm so excited!

I know that I'm not going to end up with the perfect nose, but a better version of my nose will be very welcome. 

So this blog is going to track my rhinoplasty journey. I hope it's useful to somebody else out there and it will be good for me to look back on when it's all over :) 

Weese x